Episode 96: Don't You Remember Me?

You guys know there are few things we love more than a great stories episode, and we’re starting off this week’s with a bang (AKA… stories). We’re diving in over citrusy cocktails named “Can I Pay You With (Sun) Exposure?” and cuddling with Elle’s new dog Cooper, who says hello at the beginning of the episode.

(Bringing light to the clients who ask to pay you in exposure, ya know?)

In this episode we hear about a freelancer who ended up doing a 12-hour trial shift — ugh, unpaid, of course — for an assistant job, a story that actually ends up being really helpful around how and why to fire a client, and some crazy wedding photo stories… including a bride who he later saw on Bumble.

Ah. The freelance life is just such a charm.

Psst… have some charm you want to share with us?! We’re always accepting new freelancer stories and would love to hear from you! Visit our website and tell us alllllll the tea, pals.

Send your most audacious stories, thoughts, highs and lows to perourlastemail.com.

Forever accepting memes, gifs and stress-relieving videos via IG, too. Find us at @perourlastemail @weekendcreative!