Episode 89: You Should Get Paid For This ft. Keegan Evans

This week on the pod, we’re diving deep with Keegan Evans, a photo and video content creator and educator (and one of our fav follows, always!). We’re drinking beer cocktails again, a la micheladas we’ve called “Chel-of-a-lada Money,” even though… Arabela isn’t a beer gal and Keegan went rogue with a mojito.

The sacrifices we make for the pod. 😅

On this episode, we started with Keegan’s origin story as the founder of a high-protein waffle business, and how it led him to finding his true passion… AKA, product photography. We dove deep into all things small biz life, including the time in the early days when Keegan pitched a (painfully) all-inclusive package including design, photo, video, and social for… $500.

We live, we learn, huh?!

You’ll also get to hear about a realllllly fun experience he had on a shoot where someone from the team LITerally watched him on Zoom. While he was, you know, working. We die. We also talked about the importance of licensing, freelance pet peeves, and an inquiry Keegan got from someone who wanted to literally *live* with him while he taught them photography.


If you’re ready to dive into a jam-packed episode, you know what to do! 🎙

Submit your stories and questions at perourlastemail.com, and we’ll do our best to read them as ridiculously as possible.

Follow Keegan on IG at @keeganevansphoto and check out his website at keeganevansphoto.com

Find and fight theft: Pixsy

Follow us on Instagram: @perourlastemail @weekendcreative